Memories and Remembrances

Two Thursdays ago, I attended the opening of “Natural History,” my friend Jordan‘s solo show at Underline Gallery. The exhibition is a meditation on memory and remembrance that highlights the ephemeral nature of words and experiences, with collages, photographs, sculptures, and manipulated artifacts. The pieces are beautiful, from concentric porcupine quill circles, stunning in their simplicity, to a World War II era duffel bag printed with salvaged photographs of POWs. The exhibition retains the found, weathered aesthetic that I associate with much of Jordan’s work.
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Columbus Park, 2012

Columbus Park {india ink wash on Bristol board}, 14 x 17 inches, 2012

On Influence: Starting and Stopping Cracks

Since it is shameless plug week at DUFL press, I thought I’d shamelessly plug an essay by my good friend, Greg Gerke,  on the Kenyon Review’s website. It’s a luminous, thoughtful essay about influences in art and what it means to create. Plus, Mr. Gerke discusses Rilke, William Gass, Wallace Stevens and Elizabeth Bishop, and God knows I love them all dearly. There are numerous passages I adore in the essay, but since I don’t want to ruin it for you, here are three: Read the rest of this entry »

Siren Call of the Open Road

My buddy Jordan Sullivan currently has a solo show up at Clic Gallery. This past Thursday, I attended the opening reception with DUFL’s own Anthony T.
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Garry Trudeau’s take on “shmashmortion”

This past week, Garry Trudeau’s syndicated political comic strip Doonesbury pretty succinctly captures the GOP’s recent War on Women. Specifically, it references slut-shaming in the case of Sandra Fluke and a particularly noxious law in Texas. It’s so literal that it can hardly be called satire.
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Andy Warhol, Covert Papist

I somehow (mistakenly) came under the belief that Slavoj Zizek was Christian a few weeks ago. I tried to wrestle with how this fit with some of the other stuff I’d read by him. But after looking into it a little, it appears that whatever I’d read, I’d gotten completely wrong. Zizek is an avowed atheist. What he’s advocating, however, is a utilitarian approach to religious belief — building on the insights of St. Paul, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and likely the historical Jesus himself — that an authentic understanding of Christianity premised on universal brotherly love would invert everything about existing hierarchical societal orders. This is what prompted Dostoevsky to observe that, “The socialist who is a Christian is more to be dreaded than a socialist who is an atheist.” And so it must have been in the context of those kinds of observations that I came to believe Zizek was Christian. He was just saying that for making the real world a better place, maybe secular liberals shouldn’t be so quick to rule Christianity out.

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Why even though I hate* field trips, they’re occasionally kinda rad

If you have around two hours to burn some time in the next three weeks, make your way to the Douglas Wheeler exhibit at the David Zwirner gallery in Chelsea. Preferably with 20-some ragtag Brooklyn kids in tow, just enough to freak out the well-heeled Manhattanites unaccustomed to the proletariat. The gallery is exhibiting Wheeler’s new work, which is (drum roll, please) an empty room.
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